
The Scout Section is the third section in the Scout Group, above Beavers and Cubs, and is for young people, usually aged between 10½ and 14 years.


Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme. Participation rather than meeting set standards is the key approach, and for the Scout who wants to be recognised for his or her achievements there are a number of Challenge awards and activity badges.

Balanced Programme

Scouts take part in a Balanced Programme that helps them to find out about the world in which they live, encourages them to know their own abilities and the importance of keeping fit, and helps develop their creative talents. It also provides opportunities to explore their own values and personal attitudes.

Being outdoors is important, and half the programme is given over to taking part in traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking, as well as a wider spectrum of adventurous activities, from abseiling to zorbing.


A Scout Troop is divided into small groups called Patrols, each headed up by an older Scout called a Patrol Leader, and often with an Assistant Patrol Leader.

Scouting is about being with friends, as part of a team, and participating fully in the adventure and opportunities of life.


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Crosby District Scouts

Crosby District Scouts HQ, 1a Myers Road East , Crosby, Liverpool, L23 0QS

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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